

Yes, there is no deadline for the time being, but if filed early the certificate of registration would be issued early.

The duration of protection is 10 years, calculated from the filing date.

Marking is not mandatory; it is not mentioned in the law.

Use is required for maintaining the registration in force during the first year of protection.

The declaration of use should be simply signed by the applicant/ authorized signatory person.

No, but recording license agreements for use by the licensees will maintain the protection of the registered marks.

No, the assignment should be based on goodwill. The minimum value of the assignment is one dollar. There is no tax based on the value mentioned.

The publication of the marks in the Official Gazette is only to announce the registration of the marks, and not to expose them to potential acts of opposition. Any opposition should be by the court through cancellation action.

Avoid visual and phonetic similarity with the existing TMs

® Registered; © Copyright. They are used after the TM registration and are optional.

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P.O. Box: 921100, Amman 11192, Jordan
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