1. Name and address of trademark owner.
2. Sample of mark (not required for word marks).
3. Specification of goods and/or services.
4. In case of priority claim;
- Priority date, country and serial number,
- A certified copy of the priority application (required within 3 months from the filing date).
5. A simply signed Power of Attorney.
Renewal of Trademark/Service Mark Registrations
1. A simply signed Power of Attorney.
2. The number and date of the registered trademark/service mark.
Recordal of Assignment
1.A Notarized Deed of Assignment (DOA) containing the signatures of both the assignee and the assignor. The name and number of the trademark must be in the DOA.
2. A simply signed Power of Attorney executed by assignee.
Recordal of Merger
1. A Power of Attorney signed by the current name. No notarization or legalization is necessary.
2. A scan copy of Official Document showing that the referenced change has been approved and recorded by the competent authority (i.e. Commercial Registry, or any other governmental institution).
License Recordals
1. A License Agreement containing the declarations and the signatures of the licensee and the licensor, and registration number and list of goods and/or services of the mark, the duration and the fees (if any) of the agreement.
2. A simply signed Power of Attorney executed by Licensor or Licensee.
Change of Name/Address Recordals
1. A simply signed Power of Attorney executed according to current name and address.
2. A certified copy of the official document showing that the referenced change has been approved and recorded by the competent authority (i.e. Commercial Registry, or any other governmental institution).