Domain Names are registered through tzNIC accredited Registrar. The Registrar is obliged to obtain the consent of every applicant to the current version of the Rules of Registration as a condition of the Domain Name registration.
By ensuring the applicant has filled in .tz Domain names registrant consent form, the following is also considered to be a valid consent in addition to filling in .tz:
• Domain names registrant consent form:
• A Domain Name registration order has been placed,
• The price has been paid for the Domain Name registration or, if relevant, for any other service that the Registrar may connect with registering theDomain Name,
• The Holder has begun to use a Domain Name, or
• The Holder has effected any other act toward the Registrar or tzNIC,provided that such an act pertains to changing records on the given DomainName that are kept in the Central Registry
The Domain Name is registered always for an entire year beginning with the day of registration of the Domain Name, up to a maxof five (5) years. Upon the registration of a Domain Name, the Domain Name is reserved for the holder for the specified period of time.