The Moroccan Government has initiated the registration of domain names since 1999. The registration can be in a Native form or a Virtual form. According to the regulations, a domain name registration should actively rent a space for the website and has IP numbers for a primary and secondary ISP.
The Moroccan ISP has no legal obligation to screen domain name registrations and operates a “1st come-1st register” body. Any legal disputes are forwarded to the courts and are governed by the Common Law. The court may request proof of ownership of the name, by a trademark registration or a company name. Proof that the name has an agent in the country has to be recorded.
Once a court order is issued to cancel the domain name, the ISP will abide by the order to cancel or amend the name. Domain names are non-transferable once registered to an entity, unless such entity is bought out or merged with another entity.
Top-Level Domain
.ma: general use
Second-Level Domains commercial use Internet activities non-for-profit organizations media and press academic institutes